Cash is great as it attaches an instantly recognisable extrinsic value that all those within a given society have agreed upon. This makes dealing with each other, whether it be in businesses or individuals much easier and
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The barter economy is difficult to measure given the relative ambiguous nature of the deals it contains. However, it has definitely come back into fashion as the internet has reduced the barriers to trade. Many businesses are now
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Contra dealing is the exchange of goods through a barter-agreement between two parties without the exchange of cash. Contra dealing can offer a more efficient way to run your business however it only really makes sense if you
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Christmas can be fun, stressful, and everything in between. Many with lower budgets this year may be worrying about how they are going to afford to get everyone their gifts, but you need not worry – barter instead.
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Starting a new business is stressful, and so is engaging in your first contradealing arrangement. To make sure you get the best results, avoid making these common mistakes. Don’t Prioritise Paid Work It’s often tempting to put work
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Business bartering is not a new process, but it has enjoyed a significant increase in online popularity in recent years. Businesses of every size, from virtually every industry, and with a huge array of goods, services, and assets
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