Top tips for creating a great contact page

Your contact page is one of the most important pages on your site and is one of the top landing pages. When creating a site, the contact page is often a page that gets left behind and gets little consideration. However, it’s one that you really should be giving some attention to.

We’ve got some tips for creating a great contact page. Take a look below:

Tips for creating your contact page

  • Creative and memorable web pages will generate more enquiries, don’t just give users a bland page with an email and phone number on.
  • Put the contact page in the site navigation, and make it clearly visible to users so that it’s easy for them to find.
  • Include different options for how to contact you so users can choose what suits them. Not everyone wants to call, so consider options such as email, live chat, social media chat.
  • Include other content that might provide value to customers such as customer service Q&As, directions, nearest parking information, your opening times and social media links.
  • Keep it simple – if using a form, make it short and easy for visitors to fill in for now. Say thank you when a form is filled in, confirm what will happen next and stick to this. If you promise a 48 hour response, respond within this window.
  • Include a strong and highly visible Call To Action. Don’t assume that just because someone is on your contact page they don’t need direction or motivation in taking the next step.

As well as having a great contact page for people using your website you should bear in mind that having a good contact page is also useful for Search. One of the main reasons people perform a brand search is to find out key contact information so that they can quickly get in touch. So, optimising your Google My Business listing, schema mark-up, navigation and ad copy for contact details will help to keep customers happy.

Don’t ignore your contact page, instead take a look and see how you can turn it into a landing page that gives crucial information and keeps the interest of users.