For many businesses in the modern economy, cash flow is a constant concern. There are schemes which promise to provide businesses with options to maximise their investment opportunities, to increase their flexibility or boost their bottom line, but
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One of the toughest constraints faced by small business owners is cash flow. When premises have to be rented, stock has to be bought and salaries have to be paid, it can place a huge strain on your
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Making use of contra deals can be extremely beneficial to your business, but the actual terminology used to describe a contra deal is often poorly understood. Although the overall concept of exchanging goods and services directly without the
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Setting up a contra deal agreement requires negotiation between both parties to reach an agreement with which they’re both satisfied. Once this has been achieved, it’s important to place the agreement within a contract so that it’s clear
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How Does Contra Dealing Affect My Tax Returns? Contra dealing is a fantastic way to leverage your existing goods and services by bartering your expertise and surplus equipment for vital new stock, inventory and items. However, it’s vital
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Starting up a new business is a whirlwind experience: finding clients, building up a reputation and growing your company requires a lot of hard work, and any potential advantage needs to be seized immediately. For many new businesses,
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Just like with regular, cash-based business arrangements, contra deals can be conducted in a number of ways. Aside from the type of services and products which are exchanged, their value can be determined in different ways. Here are
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For most people, contradealing represents a new way to do business, and therefore a new skill to master. You might be unsure about making your first such arrangement, so keep the following in mind to help your first
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You probably already know what you want from your business, whether that entails creating a six-figure income or becoming an industry-leader. This is the germ of your business plan. The genuine article will strategically map out both your
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Starting a new business can be both tricky and exhilarating. Finding your feet within this new venture might take time, but there are certain things which you must do before you begin if you hope to be successful.
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